Plants of USA and Canada

Scientific or common name:

Achillea erba-rotta All.

ASTERACEAE Family selection - Aster family (Angiosperms - Flowering plants)

Taxon Page:

Name: Achillea erba-rotta All. Taxon selection
Nomencl. ref.: Auct. Syn. Meth. Stirp. Hort. Regii Taur. 17 (1773)
Rank: species

pictures Images of Achillea erba-rotta

Common names

US name U.S. name:
en English name: iva
French name: genépi blanc
Italian name: Millefoglio erba-rotta
German name: Moschus-Schafgarbe

Grown habit:


Subspecies / Varieties:
1) Achillea erba-rotta All. ssp. rupestris (Porta) I. Richardson


Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Superdivision: Spermatophyta
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Asteridae
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Achillea

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Achillea erba-rotta
Achillea erba-rotta
Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Università di Trieste - Progetto Dryades - Picture by Andrea Moro - Comune di Cogne, Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso, località Valmiana., AO, Valle d'Aosta, Italia, - Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 3.0 License

Achillea erba-rotta
Achillea erba-rotta
Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Università di Trieste - Progetto Dryades - Picture by Andrea Moro - Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 3.0 License

Achillea erba-rotta
Achillea erba-rotta
Credit: Photo by Daniela Longo

Achillea erba-rotta
Achillea erba-rotta
Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Università di Trieste - Progetto Dryades - Picture by Andrea Moro - Comune di Cogne, Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso, località Valmiana., AO, Valle d'Aosta, Italia, - Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share-Alike 3.0 License

Achillea erba-rotta
Achillea erba-rotta
Credit: Photo by Daniela Longo

Achillea erba-rotta
Achillea erba-rotta
Credit: Photo by Daniela Longo

Achillea erba-rotta
Achillea erba-rotta
Credit: Photo by Daniela Longo

Achillea erba-rotta
Achillea erba-rotta
Credit: Photo by Daniela Longo

Achillea erba-rotta
Achillea erba-rotta
Credit: Photo by Daniela Longo

Achillea erba-rotta
Achillea erba-rotta
Hippolyte Coste - Flore descriptive et illustrée de la France, de la Corse et des contrées limitrophes, 1901-1906 - This image is in public domain because its copyright has expired.

text Search for more information on the Web

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- The New Plantfinder - Images and local names of vascular plants - Project Dryades / KeyToNature, coordinated by the Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
- Lichens - Interactive identification keys to the lichens
- Acta Plantarum - Forum and Image Gallery (Plants, Animals, Mushrooms)

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Genera (Asteraceae)
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Common names (Achillea)
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More species:
1) Achillea filipendulina Lam. [1474]
2) Achillea ligustica All. [1417]
3) Achillea macrophylla L. [1342]
4) Achillea nobilis L. [2767]
5) Achillea tomentosa Pursh, non L. [375]
6) Achnatherum nelsonii (Scribn.) Barkworth ssp. dorei (Barkworth & Maze) Barkworth [322]
7) Achyranthes splendens Mart. ex Moq. var. splendens [2054]
8) Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux [709]
9) Acrolasia dispersa (S. Watson) Davidson [238]
10) Adansonia digitata L. [1693]

12-Feb-2025 - Week-07

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