- October 1876 Calendar -

1SunSaint Therese of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor
2MonSaint Leger
3TueSaint Theodora Guérin
4WedSaint Francis of Assisi
5ThuBlessed Francis Xavier Seelos
6FriSaint Bruno
7SatOur Lady of the Rosary
8SunSaint Pelagia
9MonSaint John Leonardi
10TueSaint Francis Borgia
11WedSaint Damien of Molokai
12ThuSaint Seraphin of Montegranaro
13FriSaint Edward the Confessor
14SatSaint Callistus I, pope and martyr
15SunSaint Teresa of Avila
16MonSaint Margaret of Cortona
17TueSaint Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr
18WedSaint Luke the Evangelist
19ThuSaint Isaac Jogues, Jean de Brébeuf and Companions
20FriBlessed James of Strepar
21SatSaint Hilarion
22SunBlessed Pope John Paul II
23MonSaint John of Capistrano, priest
24TueSaint Anthony Mary Claret, bishop
25WedSaint Antônio de Sant’Anna Galvão
26ThuSaint Bean
27FriSaint Frumentius
28SatSaint Simon and Saint Jude, apostles
29SunSaint Narcissus of Jerusalem
30MonSaint Alphonsus Rodriguez
31TueBlessed Thomas of Florence

October 1876 Calendar

October 1876 Calendar

October 1876 Calendar

October 1876 Calendar

October 1876 Calendar

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