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Coryne eximia Allman 1859


- Taxon Page -

Scientific name: Coryne eximia
Author: Allman 1859
Rank: Species
Status: valid

foto Images of Coryne eximia

Common names:

= Sarsia eximia Allman 1859

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Kingdom: Animalia (Animals)

Subkingdom: Radiata

Phylum: Cnidaria Hatschek 1888 (Coelenterates)

Subphylum: Medusozoa

Class: Hydrozoa Owen 1843 (Hydrozoans)

Subclass: Hydroidolina

Order: Anthoathecatae (Hydromedusae)

Suborder: Capitata Kühn 1913

Family: Corynidae Johnston 1836

Genus: Coryne Gaertner 1774

Species: Coryne eximia Allman 1859

testo Search for Coryne eximia on the Web

(*) Retrieved [February, 2, 2021], from the Integrated Taxonomic Information System on-line database,

Useful Web Sites

- Acta Plantarum - Forum and Image Gallery (Plants, Animals, Mushrooms)
- The New Plantfinder - Images and local names of vascular plants - Project Dryades / KeyToNature, coordinated by the Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
- Lichens - Interactive identification keys to the lichens

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More taxa:

1. Coryne muscoides (183)

2. Coryne rosaria (188)

3. Corynebacterium maculatum (181)

4. Corynebacterium ovale (173)

5. Corynoneura arctica (173)

6. Corynoporella tenuis (165)

7. Corynosoma bipapillum (147)

8. Corynosoma mandarinca (157)

9. Coryogalops anomolus (145)

10. Coryphaenoides subserrulatus (157)

16-Sep-2024 - Week-38

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