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Nautosphaeria cristaminuta E B G Jones


- Taxon Page -

Scientific name: Nautosphaeria cristaminuta
Author: E B G Jones
Rank: Species
Status: accepted

foto Images of Nautosphaeria cristaminuta

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Kingdom: Fungi (Fungi)

Subkingdom: Dikarya

Division: Ascomycota (Sac fungi)

Subdivision: Pezizomycotina

Class: Sordariomycetes

Subclass: Hypocreomycetidae OE Erikss & Winka 1997

Order: Microascales Luttr ex Benny & Kimbr 1980

Family: Halosphaeriaceae E Müll & Arx ex Kohlm 1972

Genus: Nautosphaeria E B G Jones

Species: Nautosphaeria cristaminuta E B G Jones

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(*) Retrieved [February, 2, 2021], from the Integrated Taxonomic Information System on-line database,

Useful Web Sites

- Acta Plantarum - Forum and Image Gallery (Plants, Animals, Mushrooms)
- The New Plantfinder - Images and local names of vascular plants - Project Dryades / KeyToNature, coordinated by the Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste
- Lichens - Interactive identification keys to the lichens

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13-Sep-2024 - Week-37

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